香港特区政府公布授勋名单 7人获颁大紫荆勋章 香港反对派议员辞职全生效 学者:“闹辞”不得人心 无需再“仰望”西方 抬起头来看祖国 百年恰是风华正茂——致敬中国共产党成立100周年


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  • DURIANT 收藏店铺29

  • 商家类型:Leisure
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  • 商家编号:SW121078
  • 积分代码:PPDT|积分规则>>
  • 服务电话:00852-33530996
  • 综合评分:


  • 详细地址:Cambodia-Phnom Penh-No. 168 Renmin Road
Dutrip,Make life better!
Phnom Penh durian tech company is a professional engaged in green travel integrated services digital technology company,Including, but not limited to, green travel, courier services, mobile advertising, financial advisers, tax services, asset management, digital technology services
"Dutrip" is a green travel software platform, the sharing of consumer finance "mode of operation, is committed to provide people with a green and convenient travel services, while providing inclusive financial opportunities for more ordinary people, make life more beautiful, more harmonious society.
"Dutrip" has changed the traditional mode of car sharing, let the driver and passengers from the right to the use of the shared (actually lease) to upgrade to shared distribution rights (shared consumption), a new way to develop mobile Internet era lead users modern travel, sharing platform is the first true sense of the world.